Featured Artist – Maria Fiorella

What is your personal artistic motto or mission in a sentence or two?

 “What is done with love is done well” – Vincent Van Gogh

What are three words that describe your style?

Colorful,  Joyful,  Whimsical

Where are you coming from and how did you start your artistic journey?

I was that child always drawing and coloring, and thankfully my parents encouraged my interest by enrolling me in oil painting classes from a young age.  Until age 17, I attended an atelier with wonderful instructors, where the air smelled of turpentine and the floor crinkled with the sound of newspapers strewn about.  After a long time dedicated to college, career, marriage and children, in the last few years I’ve been able to re-focus on my art:  In 2020 I obtained an AA degree in Fine Arts and I started painting in oils again.

What inspires you to create? What holds you back?

I am attracted to joyful scenes, puppies, birds, butterflies and anything that evokes happiness, and I find inspiration in all things bright and colorful.

What is your favorite piece you have created or favorite art experience, and why?

Our family’s beloved miniature poodle Bella recently passed away, and as I was grieving for her, I decided to channel my sorrow into her portrait.  I adore that painting because it is full of color and shows Bella’s personality, and it brings me joy every time I see it.

Tell us something positive that has happened to you in the last month?

In the last few months I made the decision to begin exhibiting my artwork at various local venues, including with the Springfield Art Guild, and since then I have enjoyed finding a community of like-minded artists who share my passion.  I also for the first time sold some of my artwork, which delights me and takes me by surprise every time!

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